Oct 26, 2017

The words Fuel Economy on a vehicle speedometer with a red needle racing past numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 MPG as the automobile achieves an improved efficiency r


With the price of gas constantly fluctuating, we all want to know what we can do that will help our mpg’s stay consistent and potentially get us more miles with a tank of gas. Here are a couple things we can do to help our vehicles get better gas mileage. 


  • Only Brake When Necessary 

This will not only ensure us a longer longevity on our brake pads but will help our gas mileage as well. When we constantly are slamming on our brakes it has been proven that it lowers our mpgs, due to the consistent motion of always stopping and going.
  •  Accelerate Slowly

This goes hand in hand with not slamming on your brakes. Whenever we are at the stop light and we really have that urge to race the other car to our right- fight it, keep in mind that stomping on the gas pedal plays with how much fuel we are burning.
  • Don’t Burn Through Your Fuel

Yes, Literally. Once up to speed on the highway, maintain a steady pace in top gear. You may have to be a little more patient, but driving at 55 mph instead of 65 or 75 will save you money in the long run.
  • Watch the Weight

Yes, the weight that is being carried around in your vehicle can actually cost you more money. If you find you have been carrying around unnecessary materials in your car, studies have shown that by ditching 100 lbs can improve your economy by around 2%.
Really, to be efficient all of these tips work hand in hand together. There area many benefits when having smooth acceleration, cornering, and soft braking it will extend the life of the engine, transmission, brakes, and tires. So not only are you saving your wallet but your adding years back into your vehicle by treating it good. 

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